Kids see world differently

Kids see world differently


Thursday, 28 December 2023

Yesterday we discussed our main concept for StoryTime’s next digital activity. This activity will teach kids about “Opposites”. For example "In" and "out", "Day" and "Night".

We agreed upon a few things for the design guide. These guide will be our guiding principles throughout the completion of the project. We were quite confident with the decision. After all, this will be our 5th Digital Activity in StoryTime.

Yet today, everything changed. We showed our idea to our Consultant Psychologist, Puteri. She pointed out kids might not understand the intended goal of our design. There’s a gap between the “before” and “after” inside the activity. The way we design it, kids might not see the relation between "In" and "Out" for example. Which defeat the goal of the activity.

With every activity we design and develop, we learn a lesson. For this activity, kids view the world as it is. With limited life experience, kids often perceive things as it is. And it's often different from what we thought. What seems straightforward for us might not be the same to kids.

While kids can be imaginative, their understanding can have some limitation. That's why we need to design FOR kids' rather than only kids friendly. Their reasoning is often seen as illogical. That is good for their curiosity and creativity. But as parents, are we willing to accept the illogical understanding?

“It’s a question of which kids’ developmental milestones we want to follow. The standards that Adults intended, or to follow what the kids actually need?” Asked Puteri.

Understanding kids’ developmental milestones helps us build better digital activities for kids. We need to stand on their level. See the world from their point of view. And that means, lowering our expectations and let kids be kids.

With the new insights, we changed our design concept. Making it look it's made for kids. And we hope we achieve the goal.