New Activity, Balance

New Activity, Balance


Wednesday, 7 February 2024

When we started, we knew well enough that gadgets can badly affect kids’ attention-span. We made all our design decisions with this important information in mind.

What we don’t know is, a year after starting this journey we developed a digital activity that can help increase kids’ attention span.

It begins with hand and eye coordination. As kid’s hand and eye coordination improve, so thus their focus and attention span.

At first, it is easy to roll the snowballs into the igloo. But for kids to put all ten snowballs, they need to balance their hand movements to prevent the snowballs from going out of the igloo. This is where they have to increase their focus and attention. Too much to the right, the inside snowballs will go out. Too much to the left, the outside snowballs will go behind the igloo.

A simple yet challenging enough for 3-6-year-old kids and it’s fun too.

Balance is now available on our latest update for all subscribers.

We had fun developing this activity and hope it brings joy and benefits to your little one.

Have fun

— zulfadhli