No Instructions

No Instructions


Friday, 2 February 2024

When you download StoryTime for the first time. You will see unlike many other apps, there are no instructions in StoryTime.

You might feel lost. Don’t know where to start and what to do.

Your kids might feel the same too.

Now you have two choices to make.

  1. You try and learn what to do then tell your kids how to play.

  2. Or, you can explore StoryTime and discover the answers together with your kids.

If you decide to do the first, your kids will lose the opportunity to discover how to do the activity their whole life.

But if you choose the latter, your kids will build up their figuring-out skills which is important in problem solving.

Let them figure out

When we put No Instruction in StoryTime, kids have to start figuring out how to do the activity. To figure that out, they have to think creatively and independently.

At first they might be confused and make mistakes. But eventually, they will figure it out.

Real world has no instructions.

Our goal here is to prepare kids for the real world where there are no instructions available. In the real world, we have to figure out the answer to our problems ourselves. No one is there to tell us what to do.

We want to help kids to not wait for answers when facing a problem. We want to help kids build the skills to figure out the answers.