Creativity is not a synonym for art

Creativity is not a synonym for art


Head of Product & COO

Monday, 5 August 2024

What is creativity?

When we call a child creative, what do we actually mean? Is it because they can draw beautifully? Or because they come up with imaginative stories?

Creativity isn't just about artistic skills. It's much more.

Creativity is not a synonym for art - Sir Ken Robinson

Sir Ken Robinson, an education expert, says, "Creativity is not a synonym for art" It's not just about drawing or having a good sense of color.

Creativity is the ability to come up with new ideas. It's about doing something different, something most people don't think of. And kids are amazing at this.

Robinson defines creativity as "the process of having original ideas that have value." It's about putting your imagination to work.

Creativity isn't limited to art class. It can show up in how a child solves a puzzle, asks questions, or even organizes their toys. It's a skill that can grow in any area.

Robert E. Franken, a psychology professor, sees creativity as recognizing useful ideas and possibilities. This applies to how children play, solve problems, and interact with others.

Creative children often show interesting traits. They might be energetic but also enjoy quiet time. They can be playful and focused. These qualities help them see the world in unique ways.

To nurture creativity in children:

  1. Encourage imagination: Let them create stories or invent games.

  2. Provide open-ended toys: Blocks, art supplies, or dress-up clothes spark creativity. StoryTime provide these activities in digital form.

  3. Ask open-ended questions: "What if?" or "How else could we do this?"

  4. Embrace mistakes: Show that errors are opportunities to learn and try new approaches.

  5. Give time for free play: Unstructured time allows for creative exploration.

Creativity isn't about being the best artist in class. It's about thinking differently and trying new things. It's solving problems in unique ways or seeing new possibilities in everyday objects.

In our fast-changing world, nurturing creativity is crucial. It helps children become flexible thinkers and problem-solvers. These skills will serve them well in school and beyond.

Remember, every child has creative potential. Whether they're building with Shapes in StoryTime, mixing pretend potions, or finding a new way to tie their shoes, they're being creative.

By encouraging creativity, we help our children become confident, innovative thinkers. We prepare them to face challenges and shape their future. The key is to value their unique ideas and give them space to explore and experiment.

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Try StoryTime Free for 7 Days!

Try StoryTime Free for 7 Days!

StoryTime brings fun, creative and educational activities to curious minds aged 3-7

  1. Expert-designed activities

  2. Safe, ad-free digital space

  3. Foster creativity, critical thinking and storytelling